We have been very busy since we got Ushuaia. Besides getting the boat ready to haul Tim had a buildout he had to complete.
I think it turned out well.
Build out Tim did for Virgin Islands Coffee Roasters
As soon as that was finished it was time to focus our attention on Ushuaia. There was a lot of prep work to get her ready to sail to the boat yard. We had planned to sail over on Easter but as we all know plan is a four letter word in the world of sailing. The weather just was not cooperating. We postponed to the next day. I am glad we waited as we had a wonderful sail! It was our first time sailing her and we were all amazed how comfortable the sail was.

Getting Ushuaia ready for the sail
After the great sail we made it to the boatyard. We were fortunate to have have the man who built Ushuaia sailing with us. He sailed her on to the dock and made it seem effortless. Maybe one day we will have the finesse that he does.
After a bit of time on the dock it was time to haul her out of the water!
Before we hauled we had planned to just sand the bottom and add new bottom paint. Of course things did not work out that way. When we pulled her out we found many, many blisters. So instead of one day of sanding it turned into two days or grinding and patching. It is a very nasty job.
Too make it more difficult is the heat! Unless you have experienced a boatyard in the tropics it is really hard to fathom how hot it is.
It is exciting to see progress being made. Since the boat has never been powered there has never been a need for a prop. Tim cut out the apperature and saw what she will look like with a prop.
It is exciting to see color go on. She is a bright yellow so she won't be hard to miss!
The boys have had a great time playing in the yard. They have done a wonderful time entertaining themselves so we can get the work done.
They have also been very big helpers. They are good at picking up and are not too shabby with a paint brush or roller.
Tim has been beyond busy to make all of this come together. We had some help for a couple of days and Zack Zook helped out for a couple.
We finally got to put on the first coat of bottom paint. She in now a bummble bee. It seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel. Of course we still have to finish the topsides but at least she is close to going back in the water. It is strange to be on a boat on dry land.